Residential FAQ2017-09-26T09:48:09-07:00
What is the holiday collection schedule?2018-12-24T07:12:56-08:00

If your regular service day is on or after the holiday, then your collection will be delayed one day that week. Normal collection will resume the following week. There are no delays for Sunday holidays.

Holiday Day
New Year’s Day January 1
Independence Day July 4
Labor Day 1st Monday in September
Thanksgiving Day 4th Thursday in November
Christmas Day December 25
What forms of payment are acceptable?2023-12-01T11:21:22-08:00

Payments can be made in the following forms: one-time online payments by credit card, recurring electronic payments by credit card, recurring electronic payments by checking account debit (autopay), and by mail. Click here to make an online payment.

We accept checks and credit cards by mail. Please complete and include your remittance stub that is part of your invoice, place the remittance stub and check in the provided envelope, stamp your envelope, and place it in the mail. If you’ve lost your envelope, please address your envelope to:

PO Box 888894
Los Angeles, CA 90088-8894

What are the rates for residents (single family properties)?2021-08-31T09:55:31-07:00

Click here to view residential rates.

When can I expect to be invoiced for residential services?2017-09-26T12:37:26-07:00

Residential: Sonoma County Resource Recovery bills residents quarterly, in advance, on the following dates: January 1, April 1, July 1, and October 1.

What happens if I move or change services in the middle of a billing cycle?2017-09-12T12:17:08-07:00

We will make sure your account is properly documented and credited based on the date the service cancellation or change is effective, as indicated by you in either the cancellation form or service change request.

If you are canceling your service and moving out of Windsor, and you wish to receive a refund in the form of a check, we can do that if you provide a forwarding address where indicated on the form.

I just moved to Windsor. How do I start collection services?2017-09-26T12:18:04-07:00

If you are moving in to a new single-family residence in Windsor, welcome! Please contact us to start service.

I just moved from one Windsor residence to another. How do I cancel services at my old home and start service at my new home?2017-09-26T12:18:31-07:00

If you are moving from one Windsor residence to another, please contact us to cancel service at your old residence and start service at your new residence.

I’m leaving Windsor. How do I stop my services?2017-09-26T12:19:05-07:00

If you are moving out of Windsor, we are sad to see you go. Please contact us to cancel service.

I do not have enough capacity to meet the needs of my family. How do I increase my service?2017-09-26T12:19:30-07:00

Please contact us to exchange your container(s) for a larger size or deliver additional containers. If you need to first review options and rates, please click here to view our rate schedule.

Note: Our rates are bundled. For the price of your landfill cart (for non-recyclable materials), a base level of service for recyclables and organics collection service are included. 

Every week I have excess capacity in my gray landfill cart. How do I decrease my gray landfill cart service?2017-09-26T12:20:03-07:00

If, on collection day, you have noticed excess capacity in your gray landfill cart that would allow you to decrease your service level, please contact us.

These guidelines may help you determine whether you can decrease the size of your gray landfill cart. Always check the fullness of your landfill cart after all waste has been placed in it the night before your regularly scheduled collection day.

  • If your current landfill cart is 96-gallons, you may safely decrease your landfill cart size to a 64-gallon cart if you have excess capacity of at least 1/3 of the space inside your cart.
  • If your current landfill cart is 64-gallons, you may safely decrease your landfill cart size to a 32-gallon cart if you have excess capacity of at least ½ of the space inside your cart.
  • If your current landfill cart is 32-gallons, you may safely decrease your landfill cart size to a 20-gallon cart if you have excess capacity of at least 1/3 the space inside your cart.

To determine the size of any of your carts, please note the first two digits stamped onto the side of the cart. These two digits indicate the capacity, in gallons, of your cart.

What is my service day?2017-09-25T22:08:24-07:00

Please click here to view our route boundary maps. If your service day is still unclear to you, please contact us with your question.

What materials are not collected from residential customers, and how do I properly dispose of them?2020-05-15T07:04:27-07:00

Please review the service guidelines for residential customers.

For additional information regarding the proper disposal of materials Sonoma County Resource Recovery does not collect, please go to Zero Waste Sonoma’s website.

Any and all questions pertaining to residential weekly recurring services2017-09-26T12:44:39-07:00

If you have questions relating to your weekly recyclable, organic, and landfill waste collection services, please review our easy-to-understand service guidelines for residential customers.

How do I make a payment on line?2017-11-29T07:59:03-08:00

Click here to make a one-time payment or set up recurring payments.

Note: if you select recurring payments we will also deliver your bills and any educational or instructional materials to your email. All educational and instructional materials sent by email and by post will always be posted and available online, so please do not worry about misplacing these.

Any and all questions pertaining to residential special services2017-09-25T21:05:41-07:00

If you have questions relating to special services you are entitled to by appointment, please click here to review our easy to understand guidelines and make an appointment for service.

Special services include your twice annual On-Call Clean-Up.

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