Multi-Family Collection Monthly Rates- Effective 04/01/2024
Download our full Multifamily Rate Sheet with additional options.
On-Premises Clean-Up
If you are a multi-family complex of five or more units and/or have centralized collection, please contact us to arrange for an on-premises clean-up. We will remove the equivalent of 0.5 cubic yards per dwelling unit of discarded materials (see below).
If you live in a small complex of two to four units and/or do not have centralized/shared collection, please click here to review program information.
Note: Please ensure all items discarded through this program are non-reusable. If they are reusable, please contact for information on how to dispose of reusable items.
Area and floor rugs
Electronic Waste (including all handheld electronic devices, computers, TVs, smoke detectors, electrical cables/cords, Christmas lights, hearing aids, GPS systems, stereos, office equipment, DVD players and VCRs)
Universal Waste (including TVs, computers, batteries, mercury-containing thermometers and thermostats, and fluorescent lamps)
Tires without rims
About Our Rates
SCRR’s competitive rates are adjusted annually based on a refuse rate index as provisioned in our contract with the Town of Windsor. This allows SCRR to cover costs to provide your waste services and maintain compliance with all regulations.